Miss me? Well, I’ve missed you! I’ve missed blogging too. Has it really been that long? 😬 The thing is; life got crazy, life got busy, life got crazy busy. It wasn’t all “bad” it was just life. Plus I was kind of in limbo with the whole surrogacy thing. There was also the bullying and harassment b.s. a few years back, but I’m past that. I did quit blogging for awhile and even quieted down on social media to protect my family. But I’m back. Onward & upward. One person even apologized. So there’s that.
Anyway, I’ve kind of outgrown this blog. I want to have a more rounded blog and not just the “Mormon Surrogate” thing, even though I blogged about other things too sometimes. Also, I’m not an active Mormon like I was when I started the blog, and I won’t be a surrogate forever. I’m still happy to help if anyone has questions and I’ll be leaving this blog up as a resource. I hope you’ll join me at my new blog - coming soon. You might even be surprised with how our family has changed.
Thanks to all my followers and my supporters! I look forward to new adventures in blogging. Now I just have to think of a name and get a few other things set up. 🤔

Author of Once Upon a Surrogate: The Stork’s Helpers, started the phrase “I’m not the mom. I’m just the stork”. Surrogacy has opened many doors for me which led to a happier, more rewarding life. (Inactive as far as the Mormon part, still spiritual, open and respectful) My surrobabies were born in 2006 (girl), 2009 (twin boys) and 2014 (girl). I am a huge surrogacy advocate and creative entrepreneur. Hoping to match for one final journey.