
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sing-along Saturday

I've been wanting to do this for awhile and as far as I know know one else has started Sing-along Saturday. Or as you can see it was supposed to be Freak Out Friday. (either way)

I did this video months ago and am now getting the courage to post it. (It was in April, before I cut my hair)

If you want to play along, this is your chance to dork out, have fun, or be serious about singing along. I will sing along in other ways too-karaoke, rock band, however you want to sing along.

I was kind of dorking out on this one. I'd like to start doing this once a week, feel free to join me.

I dedicate this first S.S. to One Cluttered Brain:

I'm going to go hide now from embarrassment, but it's all good...


  1. The video is set to private. Make it public on Youtube and THEN we can watch it.
    AND it's all good.
    Trust me.
    You probably had fun making it right?
    Woo-hoo for busting out of your shell!!!

  2. i LOVE it!!!!!
    Hmm..I have no idea what to sing now...
    i'll think about it.
    Perfect Jill. thanks for doing this!!!
    Great song....
    He needs me.......he needs me.....
    Love it!

  3. LOL!!! TOtally love it. What a cute little song.

  4. You have a lovely voice! And i feel like you need a costume for this - something with a parasol...

  5. Thanks Wendy.

    Bethany- How sweet of you, thanks! A parasol? LOL. I guess I should have been up and dancing and I could have gotten really dramatic, but in all honesty my room was a mess and I only had that little area to sit and sing.


Thank you for your comments! I'll try to return the favor.